Свадьба в Хорватии

Wedding in Dalmatia

Destination: Dubrovnik
Location: Villa Scheherazade
Location description: Delightful villa Scheherazade, as if woven from air, built in the best traditions of the ancient eastern Mediterranean. A villa for true connoisseurs of luxury. It offers guests a personal chef, waiter , maid and butler , limousine service and luxury toilet cosmetics.
Special wedding programs for guests of the villa.
The villa can accommodate up to 10 guests at a time.
The villa is surrounded by a magnificent park, which may take up to 100 guests.
Prior reservation is required, not later than 6 months before the proposed event.

Destonation: Island of Solta
Location: Palace Martinis Marchi
Location description: Palace Martinis Marchi, built in the 17th century by the Marchi brothers was created for lovers of the exclusive holiday. Inside you will encounter upon six stunning apartments with luxurious furnishings. A courtyard with a swimming pool, securely tucked away from prying eyes, you will spend your wedding day exactly as you planned.
A private beach palace and a private yacht berth make it an incredibly convenient place for a perfect holiday, which may last a few days , combining boating and peaceful hours at the pool in the company of loved ones.


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